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Management 4 Let’s make an accurate report Talking about PREP

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Let’s make an accurate report Talking about PREP

Do you know how to talk when you report?
Do you speak clearly and clearly to your partner accurately and clearly?
For this time, I would like to talk about the way to talk about “report” “PREP talking”.

What is PREP talk


The PREP talking stands for “Point” “Reason” “Example” “Point”.
As a way of speaking it is below.

“Point”: main point (what you want to say)
“Reason”: Reason (why did you want to say)
“Example”: Case (Because there was such a thing, because it was there)
“Point”: main point (what you want to say)

It will be the way to speak with.
Although I talk about it as a report here, this method also works for presentations and others.
Also, by using an effective table etc. (Pareto chart etc) together, more convincing Will increase.

There are advantages and disadvantages, and it will be as follows.



Strongly convey your opinion.
Transmitted concisely and clearly


I do not care about the opponent’s opinion (one-sided opinion)
Buy contention as opponent does not agree
I will be responsible for what I say

Therefore, it will be a perfect way to speak of things “reports”.
I use it when I want to penetrate my opinion or to tell the other party what I think is correct.
I believe that anyone who is a member of society must “report”.
For me, I would like to extend it from there so that it can be used in various situations.

There is another way of speaking in the case of “proposal” consulting how to respect future direction by respecting the opinion of the other party.
There is DESC talking talk how to talk about “suggestion”, but when that time is detailed I want to tell.

How to tell your opinion in a concise, easy-to-understand manner

The following books are very useful as a way to talk to people and to others.
Please try it if you do not mind.

How to use PREP talk
I will give you an example here as an example.

· Example of usage (without PREP)

For example, a salesman reports to his boss (section manager).

When not using PREP speech

Salesman “Section chief, XXX trading company is angry.”
Section manager “Why are you angry?”
Salesperson “I think that it is because complaints came from XXX trading company.”
Section Chief: “What claims were there?”
Salesman “There was a claim about our new product.”
Section manager “What specifically happened?”
Salesman “There seems to be five initial defects in 10 of the new products.”
Section manager “Did XXX trading company say something?”
Salesperson “I was told that I would take the section chief at once.”

Section chief “Why not say that before …”

It will be disappointing.
My boss (section chief) needs a lot of labor to get the point of the story.
In this report my boss (section chief) also has a hard time.
Salespeople are also not bad, but the boss (section chief) seems to say “Do more!

· Example of usage (PREP talking method)

When it is PREP speech, it becomes as follows.

When using PREP speech

Salesperson “Chief, XXX Commercials offer to see the section chief immediately.”
Salesperson “I heard that complaints came out of XXX trading company in our new product, and I would like to hear from the section chief about that.”
Salesperson “Specifically, initial failure was found in 5 out of 10 new products purchased by XXX Shoji.”
Salesman “For that reason, XXX Shoji says that he wants to meet the section chief at once.”
Section manager “I understand, I will go soon.”

Here I will break down the way of talking now and explain.

“Point”: main point (what you want to say)
→ “The section chief, XXX commercials have requested to see the section chief at once.”
Here, “I want to meet the section chief immediately with XXX trading” becomes the main point.

‘Reason’: Reason (why you wanted to say)
→ “A complaint came out from XXX trading company in our new product, and I would like to hear from the section chief about it.”
Here we are talking about “Refusing on new products” ⇨ “I’d like to hear the talk from the section chief”.

“Example”: Case (Because there was such a thing, because it was)
→ “Specifically, because the initial failure was found in 5 out of 10 new products purchased by XXX Shoji.”
Here we are talking about “complaint contents: initial failure of new product”.

“Point”: main point (what you want to say)
→ “Therefore, XXX Shoji says that he wants to see the section chief at once.”
Here again we emphasize the point “XXX commercials want to meet the section chief immediately”.

The impression of that person is totally different with one report.
As a way of speaking, “My opinion” = “Speaking is your own responsibility”
Also, if you can do this talking everyday, I think that both customers and bosses will be trusted as businessmen.
Let ‘s try it as much as possible.

Talk with “Point” “Reason” “Example” “Point” at the time of reporting and be responsible for the contents to talk about.

Before reporting

Let’s grasp the content to report before reporting.
If you can not grasp it firmly, you will not be responsible for what you talk about and will not be able to talk to PREP.

Understanding the current situation
Bottom line
(When there is a target) The heart of the opponent
(When there is an object) What the other party wants

With the intention to “tell the contents of the report responsibly”, if you gather information, nothing is afraid.
Let’s make sure of the facts.

If you try to make a report with a sense of responsibility, nothing is afraid of disgusting reports

The following is useful from a different point of view as a way of communicating to the other party.
Please try it if you do not mind.

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